Manolo Marquina1 Comment

Issue 86 - Scaling Our Solar System. And More.

Manolo Marquina1 Comment
Issue 86 - Scaling Our Solar System. And More.

1. Scaling our Solar System

Do you know how far away the planets in our solar system are to each other? Most illustrations show this totally wrong and misguide our perception of Space.A team of filmmakers went to the desert, armed with "planets" as big as little marbles to challenge this misunderstanding and recreate our solar system to its exact scale. Amazed!

—> Solar System

2. The Future of Cities

The History of building cities started with chaos and accident. They “just” happened. In the 20th century, humans started to plan and design cities. They followed ideas. And now? Where is City-planning going to be in the future?

Wired tries to get a glimpse of it by looking at some actual projects right now around the world.

—> Wired’s Design Issue

3. On talking to your devices

In 1979, Steve Jobs attended the first demonstration of a graphical interface for computers at the Xerox Parc in Palo Alto. Inspired off the new navigation by mouse, he went back to Apple and started developing the new Idea.

During that presentation, in a separate room, another team was working on a completely different model of interaction, envisioning a world decades away. Today, that vision starts to get deployed. The age of Conversational user interfaces.

—> We’re on the Brink of a Revolution

4. Voyages

Six photographers were travelling the world. Beautiful pictures from Nigeria, Tokyo, Venezuela, Italy, Istanbul and the Black Sea.

—> Voyages

5. Ship Ahoi

The Artist Dirk Brömmel likes ships. And he likes to take pictures of them from above. Mesmerizing.

—> Kopfüber