Manolo MarquinaComment

#80 - Why Boredom is Important and Underground Fires

Manolo MarquinaComment
#80 - Why Boredom is Important and Underground Fires

1. Boredom

Wouldn’t life be better without boredom? Heaving to feel bored is very unpleasant and doesn’t do any good to us. Or does it? A great article, explaining a feeling, all of us have, but no one knows why.

—> The quite alarm

2. The Invisible Fire

In 1962, the town Centralia in Pennsylvania had a great idea to get rid of their citizens trash, burning it. They didn’t expect to cause a massive Fire, destroying the entire city. A Fire still burning today, and entirely underground. Highly recommended to watch the video!

—> Town on fire 

3. Watermelons

Watermelons. That refreshing, big, heavy green and red Awesomeness. Their look is no coincidence; we designed them. How Renaissance paintings reveal how watermelons looked like, before we started breeding them.

—> A Renaissance painting reveals


Film’s most iconic villains, mashed together into one video. —> iconic villains

5. Real life emoji

—> Photography series brings emoji to life

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